Thursday, January 21, 2010


The Lord Our God Is Worthy.

He can do anything but fail.

He can comfort lonely hearts.

He can change adverse circumstances.

He can heal diseased bodies.

He can mend broken relationships.

He can move our mountains.

He can conquer our worst enemies.

He can fix every problem.

He can guide every footstep.

He can heal our deepest hurts.

He can forgive our worst sins.

He can lift our heaviest burdens.

He can calm our worst storms.

He can satisfy our deepest hunger.

Bless His Holy Name…

--Rev. Dr. Geoffrey V. Guns


Appreciate Simplicity

Simplicity adds quality and contentment to your life.

Simplicity comes from learning to say “no”.

Simplicity is being satisfied with what you don’t have as with what you have.

Simplicity involves removing the clutter.

Simplicity means never buying something for the purpose of impressing others.

Simplicity refuses to get caught in the trap of overspending, over committing and over working.

Simplicity enjoys happiness and treasures joy.

Simplicity cherishes tranquility.

Simplicity knows how to be content in whatever situation you find yourself.

Simplicity celebrates God’s creation and sees God in the small stuff.

Source: Bruce and Stan (Adapted from “God Is In The Small Stuff”)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

God is So Good!

I just want to share, that God is indeed so good! I have been dodging a credit card’s calls for a few weeks now, simply because I have nothing good to say to them… admittedly I have fallen behind my payments and I have really been trying to scrounge money to pay, but as we all know, the interests and fees are just too much!  It has been one of my fervent petitions to the several churches we’ve been to this last weekend, financial help…

Early today, I decided to suck it up and call the credit card company to ask for some sort of reprieve from my penalties and maybe we can come up with an arrangement like I can pay in installments. I just wanted to show my goodwill and the fact that I am still here and not really in hiding… unfortunately they said that they had no offers as of the moment. I asked if I can call anyone so I can explain my plight.. she said none,  I can try and email but for sure they will give the same answer.

I really felt disheartened…. At least I tried. I refused to wallow in sadness so as not to attract further mishaps (I am a believer of The Secret)

This afternoon, I received a call. I knew it was from the credit card company since I have caller id. I didn’t even let it reach the second ring… I answered and greeted the caller politely. It was actually an angel calling! I explained that we have suffered through the Typhoon Ondoy tragedy, and that I have been having troubles financially… he was very understanding, he was from Marikina too. He said that Citibank indeed has a program to help typhoon victims…they will let cardholders pay for the outstanding balance in installment without interest and penalties! Exactly what I was asking for earlier!!! God is Good!!! Definitely! He knows exactly what we need, exactly when we need it!

Now my plight will be endorsed for approval. I am claiming this will be approved as soon as possible! Thank you Lord!