Monday, December 10, 2007

depression era

yes, the depression continues. christmas day is getting nearer and yet i see no happiness in sight. i put up our tree this weekend, thinking that a bit christmas spirit might creep in my dark dark heart, and yet still nothing.

i am so darn sad. is this a physical thing? maybe i have an imbalance of sorts. what will i tell the doctor should i have myself checked up? doc, i am sad all the time. what 's wrong with me? am i going to be ready with whatever his answers will be? what's wrong with me... the list might be toooo long.

is there a cure for unhappiness? mid life crisis?

please tell me...soon. coz i feel like i'm actually losing it. i feel like i am nearing the end of my sanity. being so unhappy can't be healthy right?

please. let me snap out of this...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

crappy day

of all the days in a year, a person's birthday is the worst day to make her crappy. i am so sad.


i am a sad sad sad person.
a person struggling for control and yet this elusive control keeps slipping off my fingers.
i am a sad old person, declining rapidly everyday.
i am nothing.
not a good mom. not a good wife. not a good daughter. not a good sister.
i am not good.

i am a person out of control.

i am worthless.

i am in a very dark place.