Saturday, October 27, 2007

a new strategy

ok, so the entertainment plan didn't pan out... but then again, almost most of my endeavors end up this doesn't mean i'd throw in the towel and slither away... i will just put it in a drawer in my crazy head for safekeeping, someday when i am goin' crazy out of boredom, i'll take a peek in that drawer and we'll see what i can do...
ok, that said, what do i intend to do now? write. write. write.
about what you ask? anything and everything.
ok, so what about that glorietta blast? hmmm... i was away busy with something when that happened. thankfully i was faaaar away from "ground zero"... so i didn't really get what actually happened except when i passed TV sets along the way... there was a blast... there were casualties... they were pointing the blame to a friggin' LPG... nope, wait a minute, it was definitely a bomb... nope, stop the presses... it was actually SHIT.
too bad, people got hurt with what? shit. it was one hell of a freak accident. death by feces.
although, i am still not entirely convinced that menthane gas ? and diesel brought about such destruction, a little voice in my head keeps on saying "it's just damage control... it is REALLY a bomb!" ... but then who listens to that little voice in my head anyway, just one of my maaany personalities trying desperately for some exposure time...