Sunday, July 13, 2008

mcdo mornings

lately i've been having my breakfasts at mcdo essentially for their free newspaper when you buy apple pie with your breakfast meal. i remember the loving the feel of newspaper on my fingers. the smell of the newsprint. it brings back memories of feeling grown up just by reading grown up literature. (yeah, no more funny comics and jingle magazines). sure i get to read the latest news on the net, as they happen, but actually reading them on the newspaper gives me a different feeling. probably the same feeling i get when i get actual mail from the postman. i know, it is now a very rare commodity. the only letter i get from him are my credit card bills. but once in a while, a cousin or friend from abroad sends me a card, and it definitely brightens up my day!

here's to more mcdo mornings and my romance with the morning paper.