Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remember That Hydration Helps

You know that drinking plenty of water can keep you healthy, but did you know it can also boost your slim-down efforts by improving the quality of workouts? If you're even mildly dehydrated, you won't have the energy or endurance to blast as many calories as you're capable of during your workout. The Best Life guidelines call for drinking at least 48 ounces a day, but be extra vigilant about your H2O intake on exercise days by following these tips.

Check the color of your urine.
Rate the color on a scale of one to eight, with one being clear and fully hydrated and eight being yellow/brown, indicating dehydration. Aim for a one.

Drink before, during and after a workout.
Before you begin your exercise session, drink eight ounces of water, then gulp about four to six ounces (about five to seven gulps) every 15 minutes during your workout. Afterwards, follow-up with eight ounces.

Pay attention to your body. Look for signs of dehydration, which include dry skin, dry mouth, chills, head rushes, and skin flushing. If you notice any of these during your workout, make sure to stop and sip.



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