Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How To Place An Advertisement in a Newspaper

I never had to handle my own business before, at least not one that required me to place ads. Not until recently that is. I met this wonderful ads agent who initiated me in the world of ads placement.

Every business is bent of doing only one thing, to attract a lot of people into buying your products or availing of your services. Of course this would mean income…cash flow…moolah!

Apparently ads agents can be pretty flexible when it comes to rates, contents and positioning. They will of course cater to the whims of the client… me! Ms. Jenny was very understanding and patient in explaining to me, the ads newbie, the intricacies of placing an ad. She even shared success stories about clients who used to place smaller and cheaper ads since they were just starting in their business just like me, and then slowly but surely they were able to rise up the ranks and build a strong and stable business. Of course bigger and better-positioned ads followed. She pointed at more elaborate ads costing Php 60,000.00 saying that he used to place smaller ads until eventually he could afford to pay for more prominent advertisement.

So how do you place an advertisement?

  • First buy a copy of the newspaper (tabloid or broadsheet) where you are planning to place an ad.
  • Be familiar with the categories and sub categories available. For example Investment Opportunities / Direct Sales or Office Equipment / Office Furniture.
  • Know the requirements like the deadline for submission and the cost of the ad. For example, in the Manila Bulletin, a line ad costs Php 116/line in the Sunday Edition and Php 106/line for regular days. A line consists of 23 characters including spaces and punctuations.
  • As much as possible plan your ad layout before going to the office. Think of a catchy headline that will seize the reader’s interest.  Be sure that you’ve included all the vital information, product description, requirements, contact number, person to look for. You can request the characters to be all caps or not.
  • Proof read the advertisement.
  • Proof read again. Only YOU know whether the information in your ad is correct or not.
  • Pay the fees.
  • Ask when the advertisement will come out.
  • When it is published, buy a copy, especially if it’s your first time. Just to make sure that you got what you wanted: your desired content, layout and position. If it didn’t come out the way you imagined, take note so that next time you will be able to correct this error.


Here are contact numbers of popular broadsheets and ad newspapers in the Philippines:

    1. Manila Bulletin – (02)813-7476
    2. Philippine Daily Inquirer – (02) 897-8808 fax: (02) 897-4808
    3. Philippine Star – (02) 527-2396 fax: 527-6858
    4. Buy and Sell – (02) 366-3333 fax: (02) 364-2155

Want to help your business along? Go ahead and place an advertisement in our local newspapers! Good luck!

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