Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to Treat and Prevent Head Lice in Children this Summer

Having head lice may seem to be a simple problem, yet it is an excruciatingly irritating and embarrassing experience. When I was young, I remember being reprimanded by my mother for vigorously scratching my hair in the most inappropriate places like churches and restaurants. I couldn’t help it. My head felt so ITCHY! Bea also had a bout with head lice when she was almost two years old. She was so irritable especially at night. I felt so sorry for her, but it didn’t end there. Since we slept in the same bed, the little creatures felt it was perfectly fine to venture to the nearby head, MINE! Argh!

Head lice are something that is often associated with summer. For children, the joy of summer vacation will not be complete without spending hours playing under the sun. And the humidity, sweat, prolonged exposure to the sun and other sweaty, not-sure-if-they-take-a-bath playmates increases your child’s risk of getting head lice.



  • Eliminate the lice. There are many over the counter products like shampoos and creams for this purpose. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully. These products often contain harsh chemicals which may be harmful to skin and eyes. If there are still some head lice left, a second treatment may be needed after two weeks.
  • Comb out the nits. After the treatment, comb hair with a fine-toothed comb. In the Philippines, we have what is called the suyod. The suyod will help comb out the dead lice. This process is often considered as a summer time ritual between mothers/grandmothers/nannies and little boys/girls Do this every so often, to make sure that you’ve totally eliminated the head lice. If you don’t have a suyod, any fine-toothed comb will do.
  • Take the lice out one by one. You can reserve afternoons for head lice hunting sessions, that is if you can keep your child still for more than a few minutes. This can be a challenge.



  • Head lice can be transferred from one child to another, so make sure they don’t borrow things they use for their heads like combs, brushes and hats.
  • Fight the heat. Don’t stay out in the sun for too long. Seek some shade when outdoors.
  • Take a bath and wash hair everyday. Encourage your child’s proper hygiene, plus this will also make the child feel refreshed.


Prevent Head Lice from Spreading

If your household has already been invaded by the attack of the head lice here are some things you can do to prevent it from spreading to other members of the family:

·         Wash the clothes, towels and bed linen used by the child in hot water.

·         Soak combs and hair brushes in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.

·         Vacuum furniture, carpet, curtains and other fabric that the child came in contact with 48 hours before the treatment.

·         Check other members of the household for head lice. Make sure they are treated too to prevent recurrence in your household.

Thankfully, Bea and I got over our head lice incident. Summer is meant for fun and enjoyment. I am sharing our experience with you dear readers not to embarrass myself but to help you prevent this from happening to your child. Make sure your children make the most of this season. Make sure they are happy and healthy and most of all head lice-free!