yes, the depression continues. christmas day is getting nearer and yet i see no happiness in sight. i put up our tree this weekend, thinking that a bit christmas spirit might creep in my dark dark heart, and yet still nothing.
i am so darn sad. is this a physical thing? maybe i have an imbalance of sorts. what will i tell the doctor should i have myself checked up? doc, i am sad all the time. what 's wrong with me? am i going to be ready with whatever his answers will be? what's wrong with me... the list might be toooo long.
is there a cure for unhappiness? mid life crisis?
please tell me...soon. coz i feel like i'm actually losing it. i feel like i am nearing the end of my sanity. being so unhappy can't be healthy right?
please. let me snap out of this...
Monday, December 10, 2007
depression era
Labels: depressed, disappointments, life, pain, venting
Saturday, December 1, 2007
crappy day
of all the days in a year, a person's birthday is the worst day to make her crappy. i am so sad.
i am a sad sad sad person.
a person struggling for control and yet this elusive control keeps slipping off my fingers.
i am a sad old person, declining rapidly everyday.
i am nothing.
not a good mom. not a good wife. not a good daughter. not a good sister.
i am not good.
i am a person out of control.
i am worthless.
i am in a very dark place.
Labels: sad stuff
Monday, November 19, 2007
whath the heck is wrong with her?!

i used to really like linday lohan. i loved her movies, her songs. i loved her. she was so energetic, enthusiastic, on her way to mega stardom. of course being in the mickey mouse club was another plus. with THE MOUSE backing you up, who can go wrong (later, i did realize, the mouse was a bad judge when it comes to character, right britney?) then all of a sudden, controversies started sprouting out of nowhere like muchrooms in the wild. drugs, wild party, booze. what? is this the same cute girl who drove herbie? the same one we rooted for in mean girls? the one we laughed with in freaky friday? the adoralbe little lass in parent trap? yep. the same girl who has been in and out of courtrooms and rehab, and recently did 84 minutes of jailtime (wow, shocking! blech!)
what the hell is your problem woman? where the heck is your family amidst all these? why are you running around drinking booze, running over cars and garbage cans ? why are being such a wild thing? molested as a child? personality dilemma due to parents' divorce? poor little rich girl without any true friends? whatever the reason, gettahold of yourself! you are too young to self-destruct. you plenty of time to do that in you 30's-40's. get a grip. count your blessings. and for God's sake, stay away from the liquor cabinet!

here she is, like herbie, fully loaded!
Labels: celebrity, entertainment, sad stuff
pain is not my friend.
just got back from the hospital. my complaint: terrible back ache.
i went to the hospital hoping to find explanation and cure why the heck i am feeling this much pain... only to find none. i was just given pills for the pain.
i commuted on my way to and from the hospital. it was only now that i really understood the depressing state of our local roads. i felt every bump on the road, i felt it on my spine. every pothole we fell into, i felt the shooting pain in my back! why oh why is our roads so FULL OF EF-FING HOLES!!?? grrr....
when you are in so much pain, it makes you appreciate little things in life. walking about pain-free. being able to reach down without clutching your back. sitting down, standing up, then sitting down again all within seconds, aahh, all blissfull memories for me now.
please let this pain stop. as if i am not riddled with enough emotional and mental anguish, physical pain is sooo hard to endure. ahhh... please... take the pain away.
Labels: illness, pain, shit happens
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Nothing erases unpleasant thoughts more effectively than conscious concentration on pleasant ones. - Hans Selye
i am sooo stuck with my life. i've got nowhere to go. i'm neck-deep in debt. barely breathing. barely surviving. i am desperate. hmmm... suicide by billboard along edsa, sounds enticing. i know this is a stupid and self-defeating thought. just rambling i guess. when you worry a lot, you have a very strong tendency to dwell on the things that might go wrong.
i need to look at the bright side. try to concentrate on that. look, really look for the silver lining.
again, just rambling.
Labels: shit happens, venting
scary stuff
Labels: politics, scary stuff, shit happens
Thursday, November 8, 2007
someone is rocking the boat
there has been a new guy at the office... and he's fast making "friends". he talks is a very loud voice... often drilling, not asking, our co-workers. he's supposed to be learning from us... but instead of trying to learn from us... i makes us feel like we're so stupid... and he is the almighty gift of God to all bankers in the world!!! grrr.... mr. bigshot... grrr...
don't they care whether the rank and file are happy or not... as long as the work gets done. so proactive...not, huh?
Labels: shit happens, tragedy
Monday, November 5, 2007
love at first sight
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

earlier today, a friend and his colleagues working in a service-related company were harassed by a aggrieved customer. shouting orders here and there. shouting expletives. demanding unreasonable service. then my friend introduced himself. you see they are both members of the same charismatic community. suddenly, a change of expression from this guy. smiles for everybody. bright as sunshine.
two-faced *&^@#...!
Monday, October 29, 2007
GMA and Erap, chummy once more.
Labels: bitchy, disappointments, life, politics
Sunday, October 28, 2007
precious web time
Saturday, October 27, 2007
the truth shall set me free
new look
a new strategy
Labels: life, shit happens, tragedy