Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank (or Blame) your Genes

Blood tests can now tell us so many things. Upon birth, new born screening is available for many of our babies. It will tell us if our babies have congenital diseases that eventually will lead to retardation and other complications. We can now be tested if we have the cancer gene just by drawing some blood. Hopefully, scientists will be able to come up with tests that will tell us if we have the fat gene in our bodies. We really need this now that heart disease, diabetes and obesity are fast become norms in a society of fast food and frozen dinners.

In the meantime though, while waiting for this medical breakthrough, we can just look at certain factors to determine if we will most likely end up having weight problems later on in life. Read through the next lines and discover your genetic profile:

  • If both your parents have weight problems, you have 80% chances of having weight problems too,
  • If only one parent is overweight, you have 40% of being overweight also.
  • If neither parent is overweight, you only have 10% chances of have weight problems.
  • If you’re African-American, you have double the chances of being overweight that Caucasians.
  • If you’re Native American or Hispanic, you also have more chances of having weight problems than those of European descent.
  • If you’re Asian-American, you are less likely to become fat, however beware because your excess fat tend to end up on your abdomen.


What do you think? Did it describe your genetic profile?