Let me put it simply, if you intend to create a good blog, you need to instill in your mind that you should write very clearly and concisely, that in writing for the web, you should adapt the web mentality. Put yourself in your target readers’ shoes. You may be at work or at home when reading the blog, but nevertheless you don’t have the luxury of reading in a leisurely manner. I mean let’s face it, being on the web costs money. Some people are billed for the size of the data they download, while some are billed for the time they spend on the net. Meanwhile, we are not asked to pay for the time we spend in reading books or newspapers. With all that said, the old adage still rings true, in writing for a good blog, you should KISS: KEEP IT SHORT AND SWEET.
A reader who happens to hop by your blog will only skim through your articles. Very few people actually reads the blogs word for word. If he sees something that catches his eye, he may stay on and read some more, till his interest wanes and he hops off to another blog. That is precisely why your blog articles should be dotted with key words and catch phrases. Enough to catch your readers’ attention. Articles should be well-written, self explanatory and make sense by itself. Often times your readers are directed to your blog through search engines, they don’t have the luxury of reading through the previous entries in order to understand the one they are currently reading. Not everyone understands tech jargon, so keep the newbies in mind when writing your entries.
Blogs, unlike other websites, have a personal tone. Readers like to feel the author’s personality, his humor, and his sentiments when reading the entries. Readers should feel like the author is actually sharing information with them, communicating with them, wanting to have a conversation with them. Stay relaxed but focused. Readers shouldn’t feel like they are at the receiving end of a lecture or a marketing pitch. When readers feel at home in your site, they will leave comments or questions for you to answer. Don’t be rattled. This is a good thing. Readers are reaching out to you, this can actually lead to an increased traffic. Respond in a warm and welcoming manner. Reply as if you’re talking to a long-time friend. Establish a relationship, this will keep readers keep coming back for more!
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