I haven't really found the fountain of youth, but i have found the secret to feeling younger and actually looking younger too. the secret is... aerobic exercise! If you need the best solution for your body to look thinner and younger, aerobic exercise is definitely it. let's face it, a lot of people want to live healthy lives and look better, but all we really do is rant about how our metabolism has slowed down, how we don't really take steps to achieve our dreams. so let me help motivate you to get started by telling you the benefits of aerobic exercise:
Exercise will trim your figure. Many people feel that the only way they will lose weight is by going on a diet, but the truth is that exercise and an active lifestyle is the key to a slimmer body. Of course eating healty will help speed weight loss, but more than anything, you really have to move about.
Exercise will keep your heart young. Your heart is the engine that keeps your body working. The stronger and more efficient it works, the better you will feel. Being active and moving keeps your blood pressure and cholesterol levels low, therefore the risk of stroke and heart disease are lessened as compared to those with inactive lifestyle.
Exercise will keep your mind active and stress free. A lot of regular exercisers will tell you that despite the activities that they go through, these activities actually relaxes them and gives them better sleep at night. It also helps sharpen memory, shed stress, boost your mood and feel good about your body, in fact regular exercise is prescribed to treat mild depression, anxiety disorders and alcohol abuse.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Secret to Feeling Younger
Monday, December 22, 2008
define : definitive, infinitesmal, finite
Definitive – adj. authoritative and final; specifying perfectly or precisely
The scientist had definitive answers to the grade school students interviewing him about his latest invention.
Infinitesimal – adj. extremely or immeasurably small.
The chances of us hooking up, is so infinitesimal that you should really consider giving up right now.
Finite – adj. having definite limits.
Though my love and care for you is infinite, my tolerance for your physical and emotional abuse is definitely finite, and I’ve had enough. Goodbye!
a plan for my starbucks planner
I know what I will do with my 2009 starbucks planner. Since I already have a pda and I’m not really into diaries anymore, I have decided to use my planner as a food and exercise journal. Yep, lower your raised eyebrows and let me be. It’s my way of holding myself accountable for the weight-loss and healthy lifestyle plan that I have been intending to do for the past year. I succeeded in losing a couple of pounds a few months back, but that new-found pride and bod went down the drain when FIL died and I got sidetracked.
I need to be honest with myself and be responsible enough to accept my shortcomings and pitfalls. And of course, proud enough to pat myself on the shoulders if and when I achieve my set goals.
I intend to put my goals in writing so that I may look at them from time to time to gauge my performance.
I will stick to this plan. I need to. Next year, It’s 2009 already, and I’m not getting any younger. I need to act NOW!
Monday, December 15, 2008
define :: allude, collusion, ludicrous, prelude
Allude – n. to refer broadly or indirectly
My grandmother loved to allude to her journey from rags to riches, hoping that we would learn from her past.
Collusion – n. a secret agreement or conspiracy for an illegal or deceptive pupose.
The company lost a couple of millions due to the collusion between the cashier and the accountant.
Ludicrous – adj laughable because of clear absurdity, falseness or foolishness.
During the hearing, the judge was shocked at the ludicrous answers that the defendant gave.
Prelude – n. a performance, action, event or piece of music that precedes and prepares for the more important thing that follows.
The children sang Christmas carols as a prelude to the grand chorale’s main performance.
Applying for a job? Stand out!
When applying for a job, you need to put your best foot forward. Companies interview as many as 20-30 applicants in a day, and since Human Resources personnel are only human, you can imagine them drifting off when the applicants drone off generic answers to their questions. What if your scheduled interview falls in the afternoon, when the interviewer is already too tired, or worse, too sleepy to pay significant attention to your answers? Here’s a solution. Give them answers that will jerk them back to reality, yes, you need to stand out from a sea of faces. Separate yourself from the crowd. Here are some tips how:
- Dress for success. This is a business interview, be sure to wear a business attire. You may look good in your little black dress but this is neither the time nor the place to wear it.
- Be prompt. Arrive early. It is better to wait. This will give you ample time to prepare physically and mentally for your interview.
- Be sure you researched some pertinent information on the company you are applying to and the industry it belongs to.
- Show confidence the moment you step in the room. First impression is very important.
- Have a firm handshake and a bright smile.
- Eye contact is key.
- Think before answering. Easy enough to say, but very difficult to follow.
- Admit if you didn’t understand the question, and politely request the interviewer to repeat the question.
- Have a sense of curiosity. This will show how interested you are in the job and the industry you are applying for.
- Be creative when asked to find solutions to given problems.
- Be able to clearly communicate. No fuss. Don’t bother with the big words if you’re not really sure what they mean, or how they are pronounced.
- Listen carefully to the questions and suspend judgment until all facts have been considered.
- Ask pertinent questions when given a chance.
- Be assertive, but not annoying.
- Be comfortable but not too comfortable, this can be interpreted as being too assuming and cocky.
- Panic gracefully. So what if you don’t know the answer to his question, smile and give the nearest answer you can give. Act as if you’re giving the most brilliant answer in the world
- After the interview, smile and shake the interviewer’s hand. Thank him sincerely, no matter how disastrous the interview went.
Simbang Gabi starts tomorrow!
Christmas is definitely in the air! Tomorrow we start the Filipino tradition of Simbang Gabi. It is a series of 9 dawn masses meant as a novena which will lead up to the Midnight Mass on Christmas eve. As with other novenas, It is believed that if you are able to complete the whole novena, your prayer will be granted, enough incentive to try and wake up early. Of course the yummy breakfast of bibingka, puto bumbong and other kakanin is definitely a treat for the whole family. It is a very rare occasion that the family gets together in the morning for breakfast since we often go on our own ways in a rush to go to work.
Hubby really wants to complete the novena this year. I really hope I can get up early! We are planning to bring the little one along, but I’m not sure if we can get ready on time. Good thing that the church is just in front of our house, we can just lug some monoblock chairs since the church will be packed for sure!
Time sure flies so fast. Christmas is just a few days away! =)
Friday, December 12, 2008
rainy friday
Hmmm… it’s a rainy wet Friday yet again. It was just like this last week, what is it with Fridays and rain?! Hmp.
I heard some theories like cloud seeding, because later today some concerned citizens will be staging a rally to voice out their protest against the move for charter change. Hmmm. What good will that do to us? Nada. Just more confusing and irritating traffic jams here in
I keep hoping I’m in bed, at home. Hay. I just love bed weather, but only when I am actually in bed!
Rainy Christmas… not really that appealing to me.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
tips in writing your blog
Let me put it simply, if you intend to create a good blog, you need to instill in your mind that you should write very clearly and concisely, that in writing for the web, you should adapt the web mentality. Put yourself in your target readers’ shoes. You may be at work or at home when reading the blog, but nevertheless you don’t have the luxury of reading in a leisurely manner. I mean let’s face it, being on the web costs money. Some people are billed for the size of the data they download, while some are billed for the time they spend on the net. Meanwhile, we are not asked to pay for the time we spend in reading books or newspapers. With all that said, the old adage still rings true, in writing for a good blog, you should KISS: KEEP IT SHORT AND SWEET.
A reader who happens to hop by your blog will only skim through your articles. Very few people actually reads the blogs word for word. If he sees something that catches his eye, he may stay on and read some more, till his interest wanes and he hops off to another blog. That is precisely why your blog articles should be dotted with key words and catch phrases. Enough to catch your readers’ attention. Articles should be well-written, self explanatory and make sense by itself. Often times your readers are directed to your blog through search engines, they don’t have the luxury of reading through the previous entries in order to understand the one they are currently reading. Not everyone understands tech jargon, so keep the newbies in mind when writing your entries.
Blogs, unlike other websites, have a personal tone. Readers like to feel the author’s personality, his humor, and his sentiments when reading the entries. Readers should feel like the author is actually sharing information with them, communicating with them, wanting to have a conversation with them. Stay relaxed but focused. Readers shouldn’t feel like they are at the receiving end of a lecture or a marketing pitch. When readers feel at home in your site, they will leave comments or questions for you to answer. Don’t be rattled. This is a good thing. Readers are reaching out to you, this can actually lead to an increased traffic. Respond in a warm and welcoming manner. Reply as if you’re talking to a long-time friend. Establish a relationship, this will keep readers keep coming back for more!
Diet Tips to Prevent Holiday Bingeing
Holidays are fast approaching. Many are already feeling giddy with anticipation. There is the warm feeling of having family around, and the satisfaction we feel when we finally get to sink our teeth on the home cooked goodies we’ve missed during the year. All these holiday cheer can get our stomachs growling and out of control. And so I’ve come up with some tips that can help us keep to our diets during this Christmas season.
One main point to remember is to stay conscious as we eat. Don’t let yourself go on autopilot, because if you do, you can end up shoveling food into your mouth and afterwards, you will definitely be filled with remorse.
- A few minutes before the meal, be sure that you will be taking your meal on the table by the way, never on your bed or on the couch, take in five or six deep breathes. Let yourself feel relaxed and in control. Know your battle ahead and be ready.
- One minute before the meal, contemplate on the work that went in preparing this meal. What are the ingredients, how was it cooked, are these healthy food choices or not? Think about how this will affect your body, appreciate how this food will nourish your body.
- Halfway through the meal, stop for a minute or two. Put down your spoon and fork, and take a sip of water. Sit quietly, and you might just feel that you are already full. Stop eating when you do feel you are no longer hungry.
- Ten minutes after the meal, allow yourself a couple more minutes to relax, do another set of deep breathing. Focus of the delightful sensations the food has caused on your senses and your body. Appreciate the feeling of fullness and nourishment. Let your body feel that it has gotten the dietary requirements for the moment and restrain your eyes from hovering and dwelling on the dessert tray.
Keep these tips in mind the next time you attend that Christmas party or that family reunion. Good luck!
Monday, December 8, 2008
I barely escaped disaster!
Yep, that I did! And I am very thankful for it. What disaster is this? Hmmm. My laptop conked out on me! As in! I was just upload some of little one’s pics on her friendster when the laptop turned itself off. Apparently, the plug was not properly attached to the socket, so the laptop had no more power. Ok, fine. This has happened to me a dozen of times! I just rebooted the laptop, but it won’t boot. It just kept of restarting. It was really frustrating. I tried everything. I tried booting on safe mode, using the windows installer CD, everything I can think of… to no avail!
Good thing thought that when my sister had someone fix her pc, she also asked the guy to look into my laptop. The tech guy that proceeded to put a partition in my hard drive, that way he said, should my OS crash, my files will still be intact (whew).
After attempting to reboot gazillions of times, I tried to format my drive c, as a last act of desperation. Bye bye files. Bye bye programs. Good thing though that I was able to back some of my files while I was on vacation. And as if fate is playing a joke on me, the formatting just won’t go through. It reaches up to 56% then hangs. Grrr!
I wanted to blog about Manny Pacquiao’s win, but couldn’t, I wanted to express my frustration that Channel 2 was showing Judy Ann Santos’ movie KKK part 2 the same time Channel 7 was showing the boxing match. I would’ve loved to watch Juday’s movie since I watched the 1st installment and just loved it. But I just couldn’t. I was so sad. Good thing hubby is ever sensitive about my feelings. Seeing how frustrated I was, he volunteered to drive me to SM megamall to have my laptop fixed.
I was still apprehensive though since I didn’t have any money to pay for any parts that may need to be replaced. I was also hoping against hope that the labor charges won’t be so steep. The heavens heard my prayer since as it turned out, I didn’t have to pay for anything! Labor was free, and since the problem was not in the hardware, they didn’t need to replace anything! The problem was with my OS and the installation process. The laptop must’ve been tired from all that rebooting. It got the much needed rest while we were traveling to the mall. When we tried to install the software, it ran beautifully. Haaay (sigh of relief)
So last night, I was faced with the tedious task of installing the programs and drivers all over again. I wasn’t completely done yet, but at least I was able to try the wifi connection and was able to log on the internet. That’s enough for now. But of course, photoshop will have to be next, for my scrap stuff. =)
Whew…whew…and whew… a thousand times over!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
the tao of my writing
I was going through my growing mini-library (read as my mountain of unread books). And I re-discovered a book that I purchased a few months back. “the tao of writing” I got it on sale. i haven’t finished yet, but so far I find it an inspiring read. It is about following a process in writing that is different from the one we are usually taught in school. It is about harnessing the inner self so that transforming ideas into words and transferring them on paper will be done in a fluid process. It is about letting the creativity flow.
I intend to finish this book. It is perfect for aspiring, uneducated writers like me. I just need to let the inner writer out. I need not get caught in the torturous creative process. I will just write. I will imagine, create and let it flow.
Thank (or Blame) your Genes
Blood tests can now tell us so many things. Upon birth, new born screening is available for many of our babies. It will tell us if our babies have congenital diseases that eventually will lead to retardation and other complications. We can now be tested if we have the cancer gene just by drawing some blood. Hopefully, scientists will be able to come up with tests that will tell us if we have the fat gene in our bodies. We really need this now that heart disease, diabetes and obesity are fast become norms in a society of fast food and frozen dinners.
In the meantime though, while waiting for this medical breakthrough, we can just look at certain factors to determine if we will most likely end up having weight problems later on in life. Read through the next lines and discover your genetic profile:
- If both your parents have weight problems, you have 80% chances of having weight problems too,
- If only one parent is overweight, you have 40% of being overweight also.
- If neither parent is overweight, you only have 10% chances of have weight problems.
- If you’re African-American, you have double the chances of being overweight that Caucasians.
- If you’re Native American or Hispanic, you also have more chances of having weight problems than those of European descent.
- If you’re Asian-American, you are less likely to become fat, however beware because your excess fat tend to end up on your abdomen.
What do you think? Did it describe your genetic profile?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
the smiley moon phenomenon
I was not aware there was even such a thing.
Yesterday, when we arrived home after our trip to the south, I just happened to look up and was amused at what I saw. As I was smiling at the heavens, it was smiling down back at me! Heavenly bodies all lined up just to greet me a belated happy birthday.
They said it is the so-called smiling moon phenomenon.
This is from an email my sis sent to me: Smiling Moon Phenomenon Happens Tonight
Wondering why the moon smiles at you? Tonight you might have not notice the moon is smiling. Go out and look at the moon and you might see the moon smiling back at you. The smiling moon phenomenon happens every 48 years, so don’t miss it! “Astronomers say Venus and Jupiter and a crescent moon will form a smiley face tonight, with the planets forming the eyes and the moon forming the mouth. Venus and Jupiter have appeared side by side in the evening sky over the last week or so, but tonight will be the best night to see the “face” appear, astronomers say.”
The smiling moon phenomenon is best viewed in
As I a look at the moon tonight, I feel that the heavens are trying to send us a message. Perhaps it is a reminder for us to be happy amidst the crisis and problems that the world is suffering. Think positive. Be happy!
So, there is indeed a logical explanation for the skies’ happy face… whatever. I have my own explanation. I choose to think it’s my mama, looking down at me with her goofy grin. “Is it you mama? Greeting your bunso a belated happy birthday? Thanks for remembering…”
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Actors: Will Smith, Jason Bateman, Charlize Theron, Eddie Marsan
This is a story about the current day not-so-super hero. I must admit, I've always had mixed feelings about Will Smith as an actor. No doubt in my mind, he is a good actor, the only problem is his attitude. He often comes off as brash and arrogant to me. It's as if he knows that he is good, and wants to rub it in your face. Anyway, I obviously got over that since I went and saw his movie, hoping for the best, and good thing too because I got what I wanted! I enjoyed the movie! I was in fact surprised to see Charlize Theron in the movie. She is one of my favorite actresses ever!
Anyway, back to the movie. Smith does a fine job. This hardened, drunken, seemingly uncaring, superhero is perfectly portrayed by smith, well except when you look into his eyes… they seem too soft for the haughty superhero. As Hancock warms, Smith becomes better cast.
Jason Bateman is also perfect for the role of naïve marketing specialist, wanting to change the world in his own little way. He was so charming! And so sweet! He is the only one willing to give Hancock a chance, even giving him a personality makeover. What can I say except "Good job!" heehee…
Charlize plays Jason's doubting wife, wary of Hancock from the very beginning, for a reason as we find out further in the movie. As always, she is a pretty sight in the movie.
I was amazed once again about the story line of the movie. Unique. Why can't pinoys think of a movie with such uniqueness instead of always settling for a pinoy adaptation of an American/Korean/Japanese movie?
I found the movie too short. I expected more. I found the explanation as to where hancock came from lacking. I wanted to know more. It felt short. I felt like the writers told me "that's that, accept it". Oh well.
I liked the conflict between Hancock and Ray, and how it was resolved.
The movie was violent but in a good kind (is that possible?) typical of superhero flicks. It had heart, it emphasized the human need for family, contact, love and connection. It had funny moments too, as you'd expect on Will Smith movies.
What did I think of the movie? Three sunshines!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
mcdo mornings
Labels: good times
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Why is being proper important?
i've asked myself this question so many times., in so many different forms. why do we have to act a certain way when i really feel differently? isn't this similar to being unreal to yourself. not expressing what you really feel? what ever happened to truth and honesty?
well i guess, this keeps the order in society. what if everyone who ever wanted to "kill" someone in anger actually does? there will probably no more population problem in the world. acting properly keeps things in check. keeps us civilized and apart from other forms of animals... who basically act on instinct.
Labels: life, my take on that, truth
words from the wise
snagged without permission but with utmost respect and admiration from butch dalisay's blog. it was an outline of a recent speech he gave to graduates. so full of insights! i just love the guy!
1. You can blame poverty only so much for holding you back. Instead of using it as an excuse to do nothing, use it as a reason to do all you can. Don’t waste time grumbling, or feeling embittered.
2. Those of us who are poor simply have to do more to catch up. The only thing we have is our intelligence and resourcefulness, and no one can help us best but ourselves. Find ways of compensating for your shortcomings (in my case, this was through reading and, later, writing).
3. Education is the great equalizer. Don’t waste this chance when you get it. Have fun learning, and learn to have fun, but stay focused. Your richer classmates can afford to bum around, but you can’t.
4. A good school is a great help, but a good mind is even more important. The best school can’t help a lazy mind.
5. Learn how to write and to speak well—it really helps. And read, read, read. Read things beyond your immediate interest and competence. Nothing you read is ever wasted.
6. Be engaged in the issues of your time. Some things are more important than personal prosperity and success. When you succeed, give back. UP’s “iskolar ng bayan” and Ateneo’s “a man for others” suggest the same thing: we study to serve the people, not just ourselves nor our families.
i just love it. thanks sir butch!
the universe is sending me a different message
i tried sending my dreams of being a writer out to the universe. the law of attraction and all that. but the universe has been sending me a different reply... not the one i expected.
earlier this year, i was willing to give up on my so-called career and try to give my life a makeover. i was planning on taking courses about topics that i care about.. for a change. i was willing to explore the possibility of me as a another person. maybe i wasn't meant for the corporate world. maybe i wasn't fullfilling my destiny. God knows i've been so miserable the past decade.
just as i was going through the finishing touches of my plan in my head, a series of events started to unfold... until i found myself in the midst of the biggest career boost in my 10 year career. before i even knew it, i was assigned to a sensitive position at the office, i was up for interview, i was recommended for a promotion. all these happened withing a couple of weeks. i was just lazily doing my own thing, minding my own business, keeping pretty much to myself when this happened.
so what now?
back to the old grind? put the writing dream in the back seat and start concentrating on "more serious" stuff?
argh!!! just when i thought i had it all figured out!
Labels: the write stuff, venting, work
Sunday, March 16, 2008
how to get a job promotion
so, are you stuck in a rut? you want to move up the corporate ladder? here are some things you need to know:
So, you have been on your best behavior, haven't been late or absent for a few months and have been really grinding out the work on your job. How do you go about getting a promotion to a higher level in the company? Read on and find out.
Things You'll Need:
Guts and a great attitude.
Step 1:
Earn your degree or certification first.
Prerequisites Count - Make sure you know what job specifications you need to possess in order to qualify for a promotion at your particular company. Do you need to have a certain degree or certification? Do you need a particular number of years of experience? Talk to the HR department and find out the requirements, then fulfill them before moving on to the next step.
Step 2:
Dutiful Consistency - You cannot be late on your deadlines or out of work on mental health days and expect that the company will promote you. Make sure you are on your best possible behavior and are meeting the acceptability guidelines for your work habits, before you even approach your boss.
Step 3:
Above and Beyond - Do more than you have to on the job. Take the initiative to find new business without being asked. Come up with new reports that will help your manager meet her requirements for the department. When it comes time to ask for a promotion, you will have some good examples of why you would make a good candidate.
Step 4:
Savvy and Tact - Contact a couple of recruiters and tell them you are considering other opportunities. Find out all you can about jobs in your community equivalent to the one you want to be promoted to and what these positions pay. You can do this by talking to headhunters, doing internet or library research. Do this first, then move to the next step.
Step 5:
Reasonable Logic - Come up with a list of three to five compelling reasons why you should be given a promotion and memorize them. Do not include any comments about your personal situation or finances. Do not threaten to find another job at another firm. However, you can allude to the fact that you have been in contact with people who would like you to leave your job to work elsewhere. You need not get into any details about this.
Step 6:
Pick Your Time - Make sure you choose a time of day that is less stressful and free from distractions to approach your boss. Maybe even wait until after the workday is over. You might ask for a promotion while you are taking him out for a drink or coffee. Or, do it in his office. Be prepared with your sales pitch and be confident.
Step 7:
Be Realistic - Understand that your boss does not have the authority to grant your promotion on the spot. They may tell you they have to look into it. If this occurs, set up a specific follow up meeting. If your boss tells you no, be respectful and calm. Do not resort to childish behavior, threaten to leave the company or anything similar. Find out why your request was denied and evaluate the response. If you are perplexed by the decision, speak to your HR representative. If you are very unhappy or disgruntled, find a job where you can be happy. You owe it to yourself to be happy in your work
By TheHabe
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
keeping a journal
A journal, unlike your class notes, goes beyond the simple act of recording what transpires in the classroom. The journal allows you to record dialogues with yourself regarding the meaning of the experience. In a journal, the writer can accomplish what T.S. Eliot expresses in The Dry Salvages. "We had the experience but missed the meaning,/And approach to the meaning restores the experience/In a different form." In a journal, the student writes, not to fulfill an exercise, but to learn. "Learning about a subject means more than memorizing axioms, dates, and formulas. You also need to develop general intellectual skills that will allow you to understand the discipline in its entirety, that is to approach it intelligently, knowing what questions to ask, where to discover the answers to those questions, and, finally, how to develop and organize your own ideas about the subject. A body of knowledge about the material is fundamental, but a student of any subject should also learn how to acquire and
interpret additional knowledge. . . .
. . ., writing is one of the most important intellectual activities that you do in college, for writing is not simply a method of communicating what you know about a subject; it is an extremely useful tool for assisting you in a variety of tasks, from observation to argument. From making simple lists to analyzing and synthesizing complex data, intellectual functions, especially the more complex ones, 'seem to develop most fully only with the support system of verbal language--particularly, it seems, written language.' The most useful writing in this kind of writing is what we call "private" writing, that is, writing you do for yourself." (Elaine P. Maimon, et al. Writing in the Arts and Sciences)
Reasons for Keeping a Journal
To gain self-knowledge--to assist you in formulating the thoughts and half-formed ideas you have in your unconscious
To develop the habit of writing. Writers learn to write by writing. Keeping a journal helps allay some of the fears of the "blank page." Keeping a journal encourages self-expression and helps the writer to develop his/her talent.
To give form to confusion of everyday life.
To help in perceiving and observing more critically and sensitively.
Subject Matter
Impressions: Take note of what you experience. Be concrete, using as much detail as necessary to accurately record what you feel.
The current situation: Summarize an event or experience that has taken place in class. Record your attitude or point of view regarding the experience in detail.
Revisionism: Choose an awkward or unpleasant moment and rewrite the experience so that the situation turns out more to your satisfaction.
The path not taken: Imagine a situation that turned out badly (perhaps because of reluctance to risk something important). What might have happened if, at the critical moment, you made the risky decision?
Controversy: Argue a position open to debate or dispute; take the unpopular side; try to find an unusual angle to support. (Remember, arguments are based on well chosen evidence; don't simply make pronouncements which are
justified by emotional response ("knee jerk reaction")
Reminder: The journal is not a diary of your daily activities. Use the journal to record thoughts and impressions, to remember the past, to plan for the future. Approach the writing of the journal as an journey into the unknown. In the words of T. S. Eliot in Little Gidding: "We shall not cease from exploration/And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started/And know the place for the first time." In keeping a journal you discover new things about
yourself you may not have considered or realized before. Take Eliot's advice and "Fare foreward, travellers! Not escaping from the past/Into different lives, or into any future;/You are not the same people who left that station/Or who
will arrive at any terminus."
article source:
Labels: the write stuff
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
need an alternative
i need to find a new job as soon as possible. i won't be a corporate slave anymore! if i had my way, i'd prefer being a WAHM, but if that's not yet possible financially, i need to at least find a job where i can be happy, unlike now, i literally drag my feet to work everyday.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
been busy lately
together with my sister, i have a new venture, i can't purely say it is a business venture, but it does have some monetary renumeration. i hope this get off the ground well. right now we are still going through the usual hardships. laying out the plans, starting out birth pains. soon though i hope it all goes well.
i really need this to work. i want to stop slaving in the corporate world by this time next year.
there, i'm putting it out there.
good vibes please!
Monday, February 25, 2008
my freedom lost
i need to do some serious venting today, for starting tomorrow, i relinquish my freedom.
i was assigned to a new position, added work, no added perks. what's worse is that i don't know anything about the new job assigned to me and the ones whom i expect to teach have already resigned or transferred to another division. meaning i am left with nothing. no other choice but to receive the blame. and did i mention that by being assigned to that job i bypassed a number of hopefuls... meaning i am now the center of their ire, whether they admit it to my face or not.
i find myself in this difficult predicament.
they hate me, i hate my boss, i hate my job, i hate myself for not acting acting fast enough and being true to myself, and admitting to my boss that i cannot accept such a responsibility. i don't care much for my career, as i've written so many times before, i hate my job. it's just that i have no other choice. i don't know how to do anything else. i barely know what to do with my present job anyway. i am lost.
i need a new career path. i need to get rich quick, so i can resign from work and still provide for my little girl's needs. i need a miracle.
Labels: shit happens
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
the kids of today
it amazes me sometimes, the kids of today. i get to read their thoughts in their blogs and it just blows me away, how deep their thoughts are, how good at writing they are, how in touch they are with themselves... and yet here i am, a mom in my 30's, and yet still so clueless about my life.
Labels: truth
having doubts
i am having doubts. i have always been like this. i procrastinate. i dilly dally.
what if i am not good enough to be a writer. i am not really a good anything. i'm not the best mom, wife, daughter,sister, friend,employee.... i'm nothing.
can i really claim to be a writer when i'm not really good at it? i am just really interested in doing it. personal essays. i love to write these types of essays because they serve as outlets for my venting. writing releases some steam and unloads some thoughts i can not really say out loud. it is a way to get around my uber shyness. i jsut really like to write about myself. does that constitute being a writer? does that justify my dreams of being a writer?
i have bought tons of books about being a freelance writer, a feature writer, making a killer query letter and a lot more. i am so overwhelmed. i have always thought that this is the perfect profession for me since i am so shy because all you have to do is face the laptop. boy, was i wrong! to be a good writer, you have to interact with lots of people, experience life, in order to get materials and ideas for topics to write about. and then there is the issue of getting an interview... argh! how will i do this?
right now, i still have no answer. i still love to write about myself. i will just keep a tight upper lip and keep trudging on. i will just continue to write and practice my writing.
i will continue doing the thing i love to do.
Labels: venting
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
chico garcia's blog
i frequent chico garcia's blog: strange fruit. it just so funny and witty, just like chico himself.
for those who do not know him, he is the other half of the morning duo on radio, chico and delamar. their show is called the morning rush, on 93.1 RX monster radio.
i've followed them through the years as they transferred radio stations. they are just sooo funny. lately though, they are getting more sleazy than ever... all the more fun i say! woohoo!
by the way, i am happy to share that chico and delamar are officially icons of our generation. as proof: their show is included in wikipedia! check it out here!
Labels: celebrity, good times
i'm stumped
for the first time since starting this blog, i'm stumped! i can't think of anything at all to write about. and so i am writing about that... being stumped.
i guess you can call this a writer's block... if i am actually a writer.
oh well.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
let us enrich our vocabulary!
i have decided to regularly post some words and their meaning so that we can all enrich our vocabularies. here's my first post:
most of our words have a greek or latin root source. i will share the root source and then define words that are related to that source:
LOG- from the greek word logos, meaning "word, speech, reason".
Eulogy - A speech in praise of someone, often of someone who died.
the prefix eu- means well and good, a speech discussing the positive attributes of the one who has passed on in a funeral or a memorial service is called a eulogy, although you may also eulogize a living person.
Monologue - a speech or dramatic scene spoken by only one person.
dramatic monologues often let a character talk openly about himself or herself.
Neologism - a new word, usage or expression
e.g. such neologisms as cyberspace and virtual reality came from the computer technology.
source: Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder
the poem of my heart
Woke up this morning
you didn't greet me on valentine's day

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
BA in Journalism
i am thinking of taking my "career" a notch higher, i'm thinking of taking up further studies in our community college. BA in Journalism. hmmm. sounds pretty major.
our course this plan of mine is not without complications. i am again being disturbed by the logical side of me, why in the world would i take up journalism??? do i intend to have career in this industry? (maybe) do i think i can make it? (sure!) why, i mean really, why? (for personal fulfillment, yep, no monetary rewards, just the contentment of taking up something i am interested in. --- enter another problem: if i just want to further study, why not take up a course that will complement my degree? maybe something in computers. i've spent 10 years of my life grudgingly crunching numbers anyway... journalism is a field for the young and strong willed... not for the middle aged wife and mother suffering from a mid life crisis.
now what?
i am more depressed that when i began writing this blog entry.
i really want to be a better writer.
i want to feel alive again.
what to do? what to do?
memoirs of a geisha
I watched the movie from start to finish. I was excited to watch Ziyi Zhang and Michelle Yeoh together again, they were great in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I also wanted to watch Ken Watanabe, I fell for him ever since I watched The Last Samurai, so elegant and regal. Watching him made me want to bow down whenever he is shown on the screen.
Anyway, back to the movie, the movie traced the life of Chiyo, a little blue-eyed Japanese girl who was sold to a geisha house when she was nine. Her older sister was no as lucky and was sold off to a whorehouse. I loved that the people in charge took time to consider little details like little Chiyo actually looked like grown up Chiyo, in fact they could’ve been real life sisters. (they were not. I checked). A series of unfortunate events prevented her from getting proper geisha training and became the house’s servant girl, much to the delight of Gong Li’s character. Mameha (Michelle Yeoh) then took Chiyo under her wings as her new protégé, and taught her everything she needs to know about being a geisha. Chiyo, motivated by her need to be near the Chairman (Ken Watanabe), was a very eager learner and soon blossomed into the most popular geisha in Japan. It was soon after that she found out how a geisha’s life really is, the sacrifices and sadness behind the glitz and glamour.
The movie very subtly educates the watcher as to what it really is to be a geisha. It stresses the point that geishas are in fact not celebrated prostitutes but living and moving works of art. It also shows how the virginity of a new geisha is to be granted to the highest bidder, in hopes of paying off her debts. The most popular geishas are “kept” by “patrons”, and they are considered lucky. These issues are tackled matter-of-factly in the movie. It is shown that this is how it was back then. They were sexual beings, to be bought only once, watched and appreciated but not to be touched, unless you are willing to be a “regular” then you are given some privileges other clients are not allowed to do. Hmmm… seems to be very similar to the P word…
The movie was set in picturesque Japan. I had a little problem in understanding their lines, they were delivered in English, but the actors don’t really enunciate very well, especially when they talk fast.
So what do I think? I liked it. Not really dreamily-floating-on-clouds-love-it, but still, I liked it. I’m always biased on movies with great settings, add to that wonderful actors… I just have a problem with the concept of true, inspiring, heart-wrenching love that will endure all pain and tears, only after spending a couple of minutes with the guy over some sweet ice. But that’s just me.
Labels: movies, my take on that
Monday, February 11, 2008
why do i blog?
i started blogging immediately. actually, i already had a couple of blogs going, but none of them were actually noteworthy. i became serious with blogging when i finally started having visitors in my blog, these visitors eventually became friends. it is a good feeling. being able to share and ehem.. brag about random stuff about my family. this was enough for me, for a while, but then i started feeling uneasy. i started feeling the urge to do something more. i then realized it was the call to write. and finally, i responded.
and so i opened this blog, primarily to practice writing, i hope to make writing friends too. i also wanted a little anonymity, so i don't divulge my true self, this way i am unbridled. i blog so that i can literally write down stuff that pops in my crazy head. i read somewhere this is how you practice.... just by writing. i blog so that i can have a venue to share my future masterpieces. i blog so that i can unload my thoughts, my feelings, my queries. i blog because it makes me happy. i blog because it relaxes me. i blog because it unclogs my tired brain cells. i blog because blogging gives me a voice, who cares if no one listens (reads).
i am grateful that i live in the digital age, where everyone can be a self proclaimed writer.
so the real reason i blog? i blog becayse in my blog, i am a true blue writer, and no publisher or editor can tell me otherwise.
bakit ako
indulge me. let me write share this one... in my native Filipino.
bakit pag ikaw ang walang pera, ang pera ko ay pera mo.
bakit pag ikaw ang may problema, ang problema mo ay problema ko.
bakit pag ikaw ang may kaaway, hanggang huli, kampi lagi tayo.
bakit pag ikaw ang nahihirapan, para sa yo lahat gagawin ko.
pero ihip ng hangin biglang nagbabago, pag ako naman ang nangangailangan sa iyo.
pag masaya, pag maluwag... tayo, tayo.
pag bayaran na, pag problema na, ako na lang, solo.
sasabihin mo pa, di na tayo nagmature. are you sure?
palibhasa wala na naman akong pera, kaya ang tayo balik na naman sa ako.
wag kang magsalita, talo.
magsalita ka, talong talo.
tanggapin ko na lang kaya. ito ang kapalaran kong sadya.
magbayad ng utang, maghagilap ng pera, mamroblema, lumuha.
tama, wala nang magagawa.
di nga ko sinusuntok, di nga ko sinasampal.
pero bugbog pa rin ako, kahit saan ako lumugar.
sugatan ang puso, puno ng pasa.
wasak na ang pagkatao, matang wala nang iluluha.
dapat lagi na lang akong meron, para sa mata mo'y may halaga.
dapat laging nakangiti, malungkot ma'y wag pahahalata.
dahil pag wala akong pera, pag ako naman ang namomroblema
pag ako'y dapang dapa, yukong yuko
imbis damayan, anong maaasahan ko sa iyo?
drama, iyakan, tapos babaliktarin mo lang ako...
muli na naman akong makakarinig mula sa yo...
"bakit ako? lagi na lang ako?
Labels: in my native tongue
Sunday, February 10, 2008
it is a story set in old england with snobby rich families having snotty, bratty kids. there was this one kid who early on had a knack for being a writer. she even wrote her own play, with plans of actually getting her cousins to act on it. this suggested that she has a very creative mind and rich imagination. a series of events then unfolded before her eyes and well, she interpreted them differently than they actually are. she judged, and she over reacted, and she condemned.

the rest of the movie was spent on unraveling tales of misery and sadness by everyone involved on that fateful summer evening.
the setting was great. the trees and seas helped a lot in depicting the contrast between the characters' despondent state and the lush and breathtaking surroundings. it was particularly striking, when the movie showed that scene in the forest, where everything was green and fresh, and then all of a sudden there were about fifty children, wearing black, laying on the grassy floor, massacred. it still gives me shudders.
i loved the actors. kiera is great as always. james mcavoy was also wonderful. they little girl was really annoying which tell a lot about her acting... really realistic.
atonement. i loved it. a sad movie with lessons and great scenes and acting.
Labels: movies, my take on that
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A rebellious act
I always considered myself a good daughter. I never made friends with the wrong crowd. I acquired no vices while growing up. The only rebellious act I can remember doing is having a boyfriend at 16, when my mom explicitly told me not to.
I didn’t do it to actually diss my mom. It’s just that I felt I was old enough to make my own decisions. (although looking back, 16 doesn’t seem to be that mature now).
I am a strong believer that when you meet the right man to spend the rest of your life with, you’d want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. That’s exactly what I had written down on our wedding invitations, eight years after my tearful confrontation with my mom.
Hubby is the living evidence of my single rebellious act, and well, it seemed to be all worth it, he’s proven himself through the years. It’s just that I met him a few years too early, and was afraid to let him go even considering our young ages.
So what if I’m tagged as a rebel at some point in my life, it resulted in my happy ever after didn’t it?
Labels: random writing topics
commited i am
Like stones, words are laborious and unforgiving, and the fitting of them together, like the fitting of stones, demands great patience and strength of purpose and particular skill.
Edmund Morrison
that's it. i have decided to commit myself to my craft. yes, i my mind i will consider myself as a budding writer. i will learn and practice, and then learn and practice some more.
i am not in it for the fame and money, but for the personal gratification that i have done something with my life. i am a writer, and i will write!
Labels: the write stuff
butch dalisay in the flesh
i was wandering about in powerbooks trinoma last saturday when i saw they were having a presentation of sorts. i then heard a man with a deep, solid, confident voice explaining something. ( i too caught up with the velvety voice to actually listen) hehehe. i kept on wondering who is he? is he a political figure? a media practitioner? i was not really sure, but having his talk inside powerbooks, he definitely has something to do with the written word. so i kept on hovering about. after a few more minutes, the talk was over, and the moderator introduced the mysterious speaker as the distinguished mr. butch dalisay.
i was in awe. i have one of his books. i read his article in the newspaper. he is a writer advocating the art of writing. my kind of guy!
too bad, that i made a sad realization. i think i am too shy to ever be a writer. in my mind i kept on kicking myself... why didn't i approach him? take his picture? talk to him?
how can i ever get into writing when i am too shy? how will i get stories? interview sources? argh! so frustrating! shyness is an occupational hazard i have to get rid of.
too bad. i hope i meet him again. probably by that time i would've read his book.
Labels: disappointments, people, the write stuff
Saturday, February 2, 2008
finding time
being a "writer" is not easy. it is very time consuming. you really need to choose to spend time everyday just for writing. as they say, writing is like playing a musical instrument. you need to practice everyday to learn your craft before you can actually get better.
i will do it.
i will be a writer.
Labels: the write stuff
Thursday, January 17, 2008
let me start again
hi blogging world! i'm back! it has been a while since i posted. the holiday buzz and my work kept me from my blogging. so how is life? boring and dead dry as always.
my dreams of being a writer? dreams still.
hope this becomes reality soon. i hope to take formal lessons.
this has not been a very good start for the new year for me. i was depressed on christmas eve, and on new year's eve. not a very good sign of things to come? i hope not!
i keeping a stiff upper lip. i'm trudging on.